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Women’s Empire- Denise Coke

Women’s Empire- Denise Coke

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Meet Denise Coke: Freelance graphic designer, web designer, and illustrator. Denise has been drawing and making art since the tender age of two. She has been designing professionally for five years and been doing website design for the past two or three years. Denise is thrilled to be making a living doing something that she is so passionate about and she loves the flexibility that freelancing allows her, but there are drawbacks as well. The amount of work one can get as a freelancer varies greatly and low periods can cause a lot of financial stress. Denise has many role models both in the art world and outside. Her real life role model is her grandmother who is an extremely self-reliant and independent woman. She also admires Keith Herring, not only for his art but for his social commentary and coming out as gay at a time when homosexuality was even more stigmatized than it is today. She also admires Pharrell for his versatility. He not only makes music but dabbles in many different pursuits. Denise also has a variety of talents and interests. She wants to work more with fashion design and hopes to also become a creative director for music videos someday. One of her greatest passions is travel and she has been inspired by the different aesthetics that she has seen on trips to places like South Korea. There is no doubt that Denise will continue to be inspired and in turn inspire others with her work. Be on the lookout for her website launch on www.delasnp.com.
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Denise, Women’s Empire salutes you. We wish you the best in your future endeavors and thank you for contributions to our communities.
#WESupportYou #SupportDenise #DeniseSLAYS

You can contact her for design inquiries at delasnp@gmail.com.

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